Prices for stays at the Krystall-rally 2026: NOK 1.790,- per person per day in double or triple drum room (full board) NOK 350,-/per day additional for single room NOK 400,- per stay to bring dog(s) NOK 300,- in registration fee/person
Cancellation deadline: If cancelled after 27 January 2026, booked stays must be paid for the hotel
Registration deadline: As long as there are rooms available.
Registration. New for 2025: Use the form below and send a separate registration for each and every one of the participants
Payment: The stay and registration fee are payable at the hotel reception upon arrival Unfortunately, it is not possible to camp at the Crystal Rally
Your name (required)
Address (required)
Postal code (required)
City (required)
Country (required)
Phone "country code" (required)
Phone number (required)
E-mail (required)
Single roomDouble roomTriple room
Participants:(all participants)
Yes a dogNo not a dog
Shortest route km
Planned route km
Which motorcycle
Yes sidecarNo a solobike instead
Arrival date (required)
Departure date (required)
Registration confirmation will be sent to you by email from both Krystall Rally and the hotel.
Participants who arrive without registration cannot count on a place at the hotel. Information: